Our Associations

All Star Signs & Specialties has just received certification by the Louisiana Department of Economic Development in the Hudson Initiative! The purposes and intent of this program are to provide the maximum opportunity for Louisiana-based small businesses to become certified under the Hudson Initiative in order to facilitate access to state procurement and public contracts; and to encourage business opportunities for Louisiana small businesses and entrepreneurs.

All Star Signs & Specialties has just received certification by the Louisiana Department of Transportation as a Woman-owned Disadvantaged Business Entity! The DOTD’s DBE program is intended to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts in the Department's highway, transit, airport, and highway safety financial assistance programs. Products from All Star Signs & Specialties may help fulfill DBE requirements for projects that mandate minority participation. 

Accreditation Letter

Click the logo above to read about Renae's journey to becoming a Women in Business Champion!


WBENC Certificate WOSB Certificate

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